Warcraft 3 auto refresher

Warcraft 3 auto refresher

The Warcraft 3 auto refresher automatically refreshes your open slots in a Battle.net hosted game! Lean back and enjoy – no more hand work need!
With this simple tool you don’t have to close and reopen the Warcraft 3 slots anymore to get your game to the top of the list.

The Warcraft 3 auto refresher is doing the work for you. You can set the time of intervals of the refresher!

Warcraft 3 Auto Refresher Download:

Warcraft 3 Auto Refresher Screenshot:

Here is a screenshot of the auto Refresher:


By refreshing your hosted game searching players can find it faster and better! So you have to wait less. 😉

Warcraft 3 Auto Refresher Usage:

  • Just download and start the tool, there is no installation needed.
  • Set the port 6112 for Warcraft 3 and an interval of 15 for example!
  • You are done! That’s it!

Enjoy more Warcraft 3 and Dota Tools.

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1 year ago

damn, I miss this auto refresher, nostalgia