With the release from Blizzard that they will produce Warcraft 3 Reforged they changed our world! 😀 At that day it was just overwhelming, the game that we love so much will get an extensive rework!
On the Blizzard gig they showed the first stunning gameplay trailer of WC3 Reforged and a bunch of selected casters got the chance to play the first campaign level! bling
Warcraft 3 Reforged Gameplay Trailer
Opinion and First Impression of Warcraft 3 Reforged
What is good what is bad?
How does the stuff of WC3 Reforged feels like & looks like?
- First of all the stuff we can already see is not finished at all, the textures and unit models are still at an early stage! Keep that in mind, the Blizzard Warcraft team will optimize it until the game will be relased!
- The look and feel of Warcraft 3 Reforged was in the first moment a bit different than the real Warcraft 3, I think you can agree with that. Warcraft 3 is really charming and the look is so reliable and pure! But after watching longer at the new graphics, I think it is the right way… More than that… it is totally awesome, we will need to accept that change and it will bring us into WC3 heaven with so many great new details! dia We were not sure wether nothing will happen, Warcraft 4 will come or if a new Blizzard RTS is getting developed. Now we know what is happening and it is just great, this will reactivate the awesome Warcraft community for the best game ever! crown
- Good (What I already like): The Grunt is freakin great, the Doc is also epic and the footmen & spellbreaker of the Humans just look boss-like!
- Bad (What could be improved): The texture and the buildings still look a bit basic, some units look weird to me: The Tauren, the Paladin Haircut xD and the Christal Maiden. This stuff will get some love, I am sure! 😉
- I will publish a lot of Warcraft 3 Reforged stuff in the next weeks and months, to create a great pool of news, guides and a wiki for Warcraft 3 Reforged!
Playtrough of the first playable Warcraft 3 Reforged Campaign:
This is a Warcraft 3 Reforged playtrough of the casters Back2Warcraft on the Blizzcon:
Do you like what you see? What do you think about the Warcraft 3 Reforged graphics?