Warcraft 3 Reforged Patch 1.32.2 – Complete Changelog & Opinion

The second update for Warcraft 3 Reforged called Update 1.32.2 has been published on the 24th February. This patch eliminates a lot of major bugs and got some simple game improvements as well as interface updates.

Warcraft 3 Reforged
Patch 1.32.2 Changelog:

Reforged Patch 1.32.2 ChangelogWhat’s new in Warcraft 3 Patch 1.32.2?

Here are all changes:

Reforged Interface Update:

  • Players are now able to leave the matchmaking queue in versus mode. To stop searching, just click on to the eye again. 😉 Warcraft 3 Reforged Search a game
  • Fixed an issue with team members entering a broken state when cancelling queue while the team is disbanded.
  • When a player leaves a match, remaining players no longer receive the additional message “Blizzard has left the game.”Reforged Blizzard has left the game
  • Transitioning from cinematics to a mission no longer briefly displays campaign selection.
  • Battletags now consistently show for team invites in the user interface.
  • Map Vetos now save for Versus FFA Mode.
  • Ultra-Widescreen is now a viable option in the options menu.
  • The Grid Hotkey option now works correctly for campaign and hero units. You can find custom hotkeys for Reforged here.
  • Multiple localization fixes for text, subtitles, and truncation have been addressed in campaign and online play.
  • Added Squelching to chat channel functionality.
  • Fixed multiple portrait issues with units in both campaign and online play.

Reforged Gameplay Update:

  • Fixed an issue where if a player quit multiple games and switched graphic settings, the user would get a “Match Found” but the game wouldn’t start.
  • The Female Demon Hunter now uniquely metamorphosizes to her own model.
  • Fixed an issue with Tranquil Paths where creeps were invisible.
  • Updated the Firelord’s Incinerate ability icon in Reforged. It can still be auto-cast as normal.
  • Guardian Golem now has an auto-attack impact sound.
  • Fixed an issue where the Blademaster was immune to non-magic abilities like Ensnare while using the Bladestorm ability.
  • Lady Vashj has a small update to her head to address her human ears.
  • Succubus models are now visually distinct.
  • Fixed an issue where new Reforged death sounds were playing in Classic Mode.
  • Three maps have been temporarily removed from their respective map pools due to instability: Ruins of Stratholme (3v3), Banewood Bog LV (4v4), and Fountain of Manipulation (FFA). They may return once the issue has been resolved.

Custom Games Update:

  • Fixed multiple missing assets that were impacting Custom Games.
  • The Custom Games list has been updated to better optimize searching

Campaign Update:

  • Audio levels for some dialogue have been adjusted.
  • The animations, triggers, and cameras for some cutscenes have been tweaked.
  • Fixed multiple campaign missions that had units appear invisible.
  • Multiple inventory issues have been fixed for the Rexxar campaign.
  • Fixed multiple bugs throughout the Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne Campaigns
  • Updated the cutscene cinematic panel to transition cleanly between conversations.
  • Fixed issues making Twilight of the Gods in the Reforged campaign easier to complete than intended.
  • Tyrande’s inventory will no longer be absent on the Daughters of the Moon and The Awakening of Stormrage missions in the Classic campaign.

Warcraft 3 Reforged Editor Update:

  • Fixed an issue where melee-only abilities were showing up as hidden in the editor when using custom data.

System Update:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur while playing campaign, versus, or custom games with the ‘Low’ texture setting.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in systems with a high number of logical processors.

WC3 Reforged Patch 1.32.1 Feedback & Opinion:

Patch Opinion

  • I really do not like what Blizzard is doing with the chat channels. Now players not even join a public lobby. It feels like they want to prevent the trash talk in the public channels, or it was just a bug within this update. The chat was always a big and important part in WC3 and I hope it will be the same in the Reforged final version.
  • A lot of people are angry again about the small outcome of the patch – guys that’s bullshit, things are going forward. We already have the second update after the release and it’s essential to fix the basement. Warcraft 3 Reforged needs a good foundation to be stable and balanced.

What will come in the next Warcraft 3 Reforged Patch?

  • I hope for bigger improvements of the statistics of Reforged, right now you can just check your Reforged profile statistcs online, it should be integrated into the game soon.
  • The !mmr feature of Reforged seems broken, my enemies are often quite bad even with a high MMR, if there is MMR then it should do something.
  • The next patch will probably do the same things like this one, it will update and improve the basic features. Let’s give WC3 Reforged more time to advance! 😉
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4 years ago

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Martin Soldo
Martin Soldo
4 years ago

where is download link

4 years ago

where is the link to download?