Welcome Warcraft 3 Fans! <3 This is the Download Page for updated QWER Warcraft 3 Customkeys (2018).
Just download the Customkeys.txt file and copy it into your Warcraft 3 folder.
Below you will find the Hotkey QWER Download and a guide how to activate the Customkeys.txt.
Info: We published a newer Warcraft 3 Customkeys guide here, that we recommend. (WC3 Customkeys + Inventory Keys)
Warcraft 3 Custom Hotkeys QWER Download:
Here is the Warcraft 3 Customkeys.txt QWER Download for your language:
Info: These Customkeys are for Warcraft 3 only!
If you search QWER Customkeys for Dota go here, or see our Hotkeys Overview.
Customkeys QWER for Warcraft 3 (English) | 435,034 Downloads | Download |
Customkeys QWER for Warcraft 3 (German) | 176,592 Downloads | Download |
Customkeys QWER for Warcraft 3 (French) | 111,841 Downloads | Download |
What are Customkeys?
So, what are Customkeys?
The Warcraft 3 default key settings are randomly spread over the keyboard and different for each race.
This Warcraft 3 Customkey settings are the perfect solution:
It binds everything onto the keys QWER. That allows you to select, build and spell superfast without moving your hand at all! bizeps This will increase your APM (actions per minute) dramatically and you will play better in no time! 😀 bling
QWER Customkeys.txt for Warcraft 3
On this image you can see the keys of all spells:
It is the same thing for all Warcraft 3 heroes, buildings, workers and units! All Warcraft 3 keys are bound to QWER! This combination proved to be the best and most likely everyone loves it! 8) x33
Get your Warcraft 3 QWER Customkeys now and step up your game!!! bizeps
This configuration is allowed by Blizzard and is not considered as cheating or hacking.
Guide: How to install the Warcraft 3 Customkeys.txt?
Good news: Installing the Warcraft 3 QWER Hotkeys is really simple. Here is a guide how to activate the Warcraft QWER Customkeys.txt:Step 1: Download the Warcraft 3 Customkeys.txt (click on of the Download buttons on top).
Step 2: Copy the Customkeys.txt into your Warcraft 3 folder:
The new way:
Just copy the Customkeys.txt file into: C:/Documents/Warcraft-III/CustomkeyBindings
The old way:
Copy the Customkeys.txt file into: C:/Programs/Warcraft-III
Step 3: Check the box inside the Warcraft 3 > Settings > Gameplay Options.
After that, restart Warcraft 3 and test if your QWER Hotkeys work! bizeps bling
If they do not work, we can help you in the comment section.
We will always try to answer fast & also other commenters can help you. <3
Inventory Customkeys for Warcraft 3
A great combination for the Warcraft 3 QWER Customkeys is the tool AutoHotkey for the inventory items.
You can download AutoHotkey for Warcraft 3 here.
With AutoHotkey you can setup every item keys like you want, place new keys, swap keys and much more. bizeps
A cool thing is that you can bind ALL of your gaming mouse buttons to Warcraft 3 commands, with AutoHotkey.
Another option for this is Warcraft 3 Warkeys.
Warcraft 3 QWER Hotkey usage and tips
Decide yourself which keys are the best for you! crown
But…the most people use the QWER combination, it has many benefits: It is possible to reach a lot of different keys on the keyboard without moving the hand at all! This is important, because the actions have to be fast & blind! Moreover the keys 1,2,3,4 and so on are in a perfect place.
In Warcraft 3 I always save my army into groups (just an example) 😉
1 | Main Hero |
2 | Main / melee army + second Hero |
3 | Ranged army or casters |
4 | Siege units or air units |
5 | Tanks & Stuff |
Extra Customkeys:
~ | Select idle workers. |
Tab | Switch the units inside a selection. |
Spacebar | Jump with the viewport to the latest alert. |
Backspace | Select Townhall(s). |
That’s it!!! 😀
Now you should test it directly in a game, and start learning to do everything with Hotkeys! crown bling
Everything all right? If you need help make a comment!
Enjoy!!! 😉
thanks you
Is there a keybind for hero and units exclude workers?
Some hotkeys work, others (like Keeper of the Grove’s spells) does not for my cracked wc3 1.31 version. How to fix?
Is there a keybind to show all health bars or is toggle in settings to show all health bars?
does this only work with reforged? I refunded it becuase it was an obomination. Work with clasic?
hey just got the game and I’m trying to install these key bindings, I have an Imac (new to iMac) and I can’t figure out how to set it up, iv downloaded the add-on how do I install it now? Thanks
How do I bind a key that lets you click on a character and the camera will follow you but when you let go of the button it stops following? or something like those lines
Pls the file to client in Spanish, is very rare play the game in Spa-English
More Grommash like u mate…
I want to remove the hotkey
sorry if its a bit late, but just disable it in your settings and it should be fine
Can someone help me I have followed the direction word for word and I cannot get the key-binds to work 🙁
hello, maybe a bit late but still. go to settings in your game and enable custom hotkeys, then it shoul work
FOR THOSE WHO ARE HAVING ISSUES… Hello everyone, I have experienced the same problems with you due to the new update changes on the scripting files… In reality I have only downloaded it two days ago and the scripts wouldn’t load. HOWEVER!!! Assuming that you hold your game in a different disc other than the Local one, which you use as main to run your programs in your computer… you will see that by entering the same pattern (CustomKeyBindings/Customkeys.txt) withing your Warcraft III folder, that it totally ignores the knew procedures and after doing a restart in the game, it… Read more »
could someone update it for latest version? Undead shop has new item, sacrifice dagger. When I press A to buy a healing potion, it buys this damn dagger instead. My hero died in few games because of this.
Guys it doesn’t work on mine with the new version
hey there i just tried multiple times to set up my CustomKeys.txt file it is in the right place C:\Users\JohnSmith\Documents\Warcraft III\CustomKeyBindings\CustomKeys.txt i also run wc3 as admin….of course CustomKeys enabled in warcraft 3 i dont know what to do anymore nothing is working for me!
Please help
Greetings Travelers
Remove txt from the name
When update for 1.31
got the same problem got no keys anymore…
Anyone made costumkeys work on Mac for patch 1.31 yet? I would really appreciate some help. I love this game 🙂
Finally found the Folder, as one just above said its under /Users/Username/ but there was no visible “Library” folder there for me. So I had to right click and click “show view options” and then check the box that says “show Library folder”. After that I could find the location:
/Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Blizzard/Warcraft III/CostumKeyBindings/
and i could simply copy and paste my CostumKeys.txt into that folder.
Hope this helps, gl and have fun guys 🙂
I can´t use the custom keys with the new patch. Pls help me
Patch: 1.31
I can’t get this to work with the latest 1.31 patch anything we need to do different?
I realized you need to envy in the documents of Warcraft lll
yea it doesnt work anmymore..
same thing with me
It works. Tested on 1.31. Follow This exactly and it will work!
Customization of command keyboard shortcuts can be accomplished by creating a file called “CustomKeys.txt” in your Warcraft III user data under CustomKeyBindings eg. C:\Users\JohnSmith\Documents\Warcraft III\CustomKeyBindings\CustomKeys.txt.
Where is the folder on MAC?
I found it:
/Users/username/Library/Application\ Support/Blizzard/Warcraft\ III
Did you get it to work on mac? i can’t make it work yet, please help 🙂
So you just put the costumkeys.txt file into the /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Blizzard/Warcraft III folder?
Finally found it, as you said its under /Users/Username/ but there was no visible Library folder there. I had to right click and click “show view options” and then check the box that says “show Library folder”. After that I could find the location:
/Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Blizzard/Warcraft III/CostumKeyBindings/
and i could simply copy and paste my CostumKeys.txt into that folder.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, would never have found it if not 🙂
I tried creating new file and copying CustomKeys into documents folder. Both don’t work
The file moves my keys around into weird positions. How do I fix that?
can someone tell me were is the surround hotkey for wc3 QWER?
this i was wondering too
should be Y
this keys are killer, but there is one problem, since patch 1.30 spirit walker are now available in totem tauren. how can i change that for the custom keys too?
how can I uninstall hotkeys from the warcraft and restore the standard keyboard
if you turn in settings the disable hotkeys i guess
thx great hotkeys but I noticed that the hero’s equipment has no buttons provided?
hmmm something is wrong on 1.30 PTR =/ =/
its been fixed/updated for 1.30!
works fine with 1.30 – any issues?
I did all what was listed on top and it doesnt seem to work. Do you have to create “CustomKeyBindings” folder inside the “Warcraft III” folder? and then copy the download and paste it inside “CustomKeyBindings”? I also went to the options and enabled shortcuts
nvm you have to look at the “Warcrat III” under documents. I didnt know there was one under there and have been looking at the “Warcraft III” under programfiles. works n thanks
It’s perfect! God bless.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareBlizzard EntertainmentWarcraft IIIGameplay]
This is the content of the registry,To do in the non – start game =P
Someone is the same as you think XD >D
But, calling mercenaries hot keys is flawed
Mercenary Camp (TirisfalGlades) =/ -.-
Q W E R crown
Your hotkeys are not working. They reposition the keys and THEN bind them to grid. I do not want this. I used your program a long time ago but it refuses to now save my config to the .txt. Please fix.
Too add to this, you have to run as admin. This fixed my issue. Please ignore my prior statement. Thank you
well done yeah
Hi I have the same problem, but running wc3 as admin does nothing for me. What to do?
ahh i have a question guys if it can be use to RGC ?
For RGC use the QWER Dota Keys
this work on 6.88 version?
For 6.88 use the Dota Hotkeys 😉
I’m getting 403 errors when trying to download any of the files.
You got the folder location wrong, original the customkeys.txt file went into the wc3 directory alongside the wc3.exe but with recent updates blizzard has changed the location of the customkeys to DocumentsWarcraft IIICustomkeybindings.
Also, I recently created a youtube channel @ wc3tutor
Fixed it! Post updated. Thanks
Nice thats what i was looking for
how to put it in warcraft 3
please solve the rubick skill i want to change to QWER
Could you fix barathrum please
W and R mixed
nice ♥
does this work with normal games too? want something like this for w3arena
it does
i love this
some hero are missing …
Which heroes are missing, i will ad them
can someone plz tell me if its possible to group Blademaster with a letter key? any of the QWER keys or grouping units in one of these. thank u!
ive no numlockkeyboard how can i fix it?
[…] Play Dota with the right Hotkeys for experiencing a higher level of reacting and operating Dota acti…http://gaming-tools.com/warcraft-3/customkeys-qwer/ […]
good CustomKeys settings