Warcraft 3 Castle Fight Map Download

Warcraft 3 Castle Fight is a good balanced castle defense map. Two teams create buildings which spawn units that will automatically attack the enemy.

Warcraft 3 Castle Fight Download

In Castle Fight for Warcraft 3 two teams play against each other. They both build unit-producing buildings. The produced units in Wc3 Castle Fight got special characteristics. Units are effective or ineffective vs other kinds of units!
Producing the right unit balance is the key to win! Counter your Enemies and you will win it. 😉 Download Warcraft 3 Castle Fight 1.30 SL here. Also spell-casting buildings are important and each race got its own special buildings.
Download Downloads: 15,232 Download-Size: 585.2 KB

Furthermore you are able to arm your worker to let him fight. In some cases this might be useful to defend an early rush after a bad start!

Warcraft 3 Castle Fight Screenshot

Warcraft 3 Castle Fight Tips and Tricks:

You cannot micro these units, everything you can do is the macro and the strategy.
How can you win a game in Warcraft 3 Castle Fight?
Castle Fight

  • In general just counter the enemy units. Each armor and damage type has an advantage and a weakness against another type.
  • Wait as long as you can with the strike, the team who strikes first, will lose the game most likely
  • If your team made a strike, make sure the enemy team has to use one too, buy a Double Damage or Triple Damage Scroll.
  • If treasure boxed are enabled, one player can try to put all his money into treasure boxes after 5-10 minutes. Afterwards spam your most expensive unit building

Warcraft 3 Castle Fight Commands:

-rrandom race
-ppick race
-ddraft race
-mmirror mode (same races)
another -rnew races each round
-gone race for the whole game

A good mode is -rr2 (random race each round best of 2)

Castle Fight Extra Commands:

-coCoins every 40s
-uoUnits only
-naNo Artillery
-naiNo Air
-ntbNo Tresure Box
-nbNo Unit Bounty
-ntNo Taxes
-htHigh Taxes
-nsNo Special Buildings
-nrsBuilder have no Rescue Strike
-ccCrazy Coins – Ten Coins spawn instead of one
-nlNo legendary buildings
-fowXFog of War
-caCaging enabled
-lmLeague mode (No Afk, Individual Races is On, Balance can’t be activated, High Taxes is on)
-nukeThe Main Castle sells Nuke Launchers

Castle Defense at its Best! ???? Comment and Share ????

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Zhenyang Qiu
Zhenyang Qiu
4 years ago

What command can make the army only goes into the downside line? It says -slX, but I tries -sld and -slb neither of them works.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zhenyang Qiu

Mate how to download
ARE im gona extract this file to work??

5 years ago

does it work with bots?

Zhenyang Qiu
Zhenyang Qiu
4 years ago
Reply to  aftercolorglow


5 years ago

say plz, how much playerz goez in thiz map?? 2 vs 2? or 5 vs 5?

Make me happy
Make me happy
5 years ago

its deleted,pls restore

5 years ago
Reply to  Make me happy

Download File fixed!

5 years ago

real fun, only a very slow start.
managed to crash the game due to massive ammounts of units last weekend 🙂

6 years ago

Always fun, – cc is so good xD xD