Dota QWER Customkeys

Welcome Dota players!!! Here you can download QWER Customkeys for Dota Allstars.

Dota QWER Customkeys Download:

Info: These Customkeys are for Dota Allstars, Dota RGC, Dota Ai and Dota LoD!
If you search for Warcraft 3 Ladder Customkeys instead, click here.
Here is the Dota QWER Customkeys Download:

Customkeys QWER for Dota293,134 DownloadsDownload

The QWER Customkeys are compatible with Dota 6.88 RGC, Dota Ai, Dota 6.83d.
Find our Dota map archive.

Dota Hotkeys Download

What does the QWER Dota Hotkeys do?
With the Dota QWER Customkeys.txt file all commands like spells and shops are set to the main keys QWER:

  • All Dota spells on QWER
  • All shop items on QWER
  • Animal courier/chicken on QWER

Everyone who plays Warcraft 3 Dota Allstars, will need these QWER Hotkeys.
Download Dota QWER Customkeys now:

With the QWER Customkeys you can react and play faster and better!

Read on how to install the Customkeys.txt.

QWER Customkeys.txt for Dota

Dota Hero Customkeys QWER
The Dota Customkeys.txt will set all spells on the main keys QWER, ASDF and YXCV.

QFirst Skill
WSecond Skill
EThird Skill
RUltimate Skill
DFirst Extra Skill
FSecond Extra Skill

Dota Customkeys QWER Shop keys:
QWER Dota Shop Customkeys

The QWER Dota Hotkeys also setup your animal courier keys:
Dota Hotkeys Animal Courier QWER

Dota Customkeys Screenshot of the shop item on Q (fastbuy):
Dota QWER Customkeys Screenshot

Guide: How to install the Warcraft 3 Dota Customkeys.txt?

Good news: Installing the Dota QWER Hotkeys is really simple. Here is a guide how to activate the Dota QWER Customkeys.txt:

Step 1: Download the Dota Customkeys.txt (click on of the Download buttons on top).

Step 2: Copy the Customkeys.txt into your Warcraft 3 folder:

The new way:
Just copy the Customkeys.txt file into: C:/Documents/Warcraft-III/CustomkeyBindings
Warcraft 3 Hotkeys Installation

The old way:
Copy the Customkeys.txt file into: C:/Programs/Warcraft-III
WC3 Customkey Guide - How to Install

Step 3: Check the box inside the Warcraft 3 > Settings > Gameplay Options.
Customkeys.txt Warcraft 3 Settings

After that, restart Warcraft 3 and test if your QWER Hotkeys work! bizeps bling

Any problems? You can ask anything in the comment section and we will try to help you! 8)

Dota Customkeys skill improvements

With the QWER Customkeys for Dota, the key pattern is quite simple. Now what you have to do is to try doing EVERYTHING with the keys. Stop using your mouse for any spells or shop items. Force yourself to not use any mouse clicks even if it takes longer at the beginning. With this progress you will get faster and faster.

This improves your skill alot, and will bring you a higher win percentage in Dota on the long run! bling What do you think? 8)

Any questions or problems?
Have fun playing Dota! crown

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6 years ago

has a very big error in the two shortcuts actually the first and the invoker because when you combine all the skills like meteor, emp and others are in the shortcut s, in case it should be def, something else that would be interesting leaves the shortcut key to learn the skills in O, and another bug and that at the time of learning shadow demon skill the ult and in g, but can be executed in r.

6 years ago

were can I play vampirism fire?

6 years ago

on which server can be played

6 years ago

the fouth skill of Queen Pain is disable :((. Please fix

6 years ago
Reply to  Hieu

yea but if you buy aghs the ultimate becomes (R) plsss fix

6 years ago

the third skill button turns to ultimate skill and vice versa