This is the Warcraft 3 AutoHotkey download page.
AuthoHotkey is a WC3 tool, that allows you to setup extra hotkeys for Warcraft 3 – for items, chat commands and more!
Info: We published a newer Warcraft 3 Customkeys guide here, that we recommend. (WC3 Customkeys + Inventory Keys)
Warcraft 3 AutoHotkey Download
Warcraft 3 is an old game and sometimes limited in it’s functions. To use inventory items you need an extra software like AutoHotkeys or Warkeys.
What is the difference between Warkeys and Warcraft 3 auto hotkeys? AutoHotkey has more individual customkey possibilities such as swaping keys. You can even setup new functions and custom events.
The Warcraft AutoHotkey tool works great in combination with the Warcraft 3 QWER Customkeys.
Here is the Warcraft 3 AutoHotkey Download:
Download Downloads: 133,037 Download-Size: 2.9 MB
AutoHotkey Installation & Guide
Warcraft 3 AuthoHotkey Installation:
You can do great stuff with Warcraft 3 Auto Hotkeys. For example, the most of us have a really good gaming mouse, with like 20 keys! 😀 With Auto Hotkey you can bind all of these custom mouse buttons!
- Download Warcraft 3 Autohotkeys.
- Install the software on to your PC and open it.
- Download one of the Warcraft 3 AHK scripts below.
- Copy the file or the text inside to create a new AHK file.
- Then place the file in your WC3 folder and create a desktop shortcut. When you rightclick the shortcut (run as admin) the script starts.
AutoHotkey AHK Scripts (Now working up to 1.30):
AHK Script: Inventory item keys (TYGHBN) | Download |
AHK Script: Inventory item keys (Alt+QWEASD) | Download |
AHK Script: Put “pause” on F5 (instead of Numlock) | Download |
Warcraft 3 Auto Hotkey AHK Scripts
Here are some more things. A great config for Warcraft 3 Auto Hotkey is to swap CTRL with Spacebar, just place the lines at the end of your AHK script and test a bit. 8)
Xbutton2::Numpad7 <--(extra mouse button)
MButton::Tab <--(middle mouse button)
Space::Ctrl (just read the last few lines of the script)
Theres even some “QuickChat” msgs if you press the Numpad #s in game
If you any questions or troubleshooting, just make a comment and we try to help!
Need more Warcraft 3 Customkey Tools? Here is an overview!
These custom hotkeys pack suck. The Alt+QWEASD doesn’t work at all so it’s practically useless (I’m assuming it only works if you use gaming mouse). The CustomKey are pretty decent; about 10+ heroes have broken hotkey so you’ll have to fix it, but since it was outdated some of them can’t be fixed AT ALL. The only good one out of these is the AutoHotKey.
how this use on version 1.26 warcraft 3?
hey it’s not working on the old Bnet Games, in Single Games it works.
can be used this AHK script for reforged?
het lukt niet om welke hotkey dan ook draaiende te krijgen ….
i downloaded the alt qweasd one and it removed my camera grip, how do i get that back
is this can be used in rgc
Hey, thanks a lot, for the script. How do you actually use the autocast feature? For me that’s the only thing that isn’t working, everything else is working , plus I was able to add a few of my own scripts.
Bro can u make tinker autocast key ?
Like after tp use auto blick mouse pointer and auto inventory use cast on mouse pointer