Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29 is live! (WC3 News)

Wow, it is real now! 😀 Blizzard now officially rolled out the Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29 to the live servers!!!

Today is the 13.04.2018 and my Warcraft 3 updated to Patch 1.29! Before this day 1.29 only has been a beta. But now it is the stable real version of the Battle.net servers!
Independent from the big changes, here is what I instantly notice as a Warcraft 3 player:

  • There is like zero delay ingame!!! xo xo xo
  • The screen resolution is more far away (more things on one screen), but it is good (not too far away).
  • New Warcraft 3 maps!!!! Oh my god! xo xo 😀 Well I already know nearly all of them, they seem to be old maps from old patches, and in Wc3 1.29 they combined the best (most popular) maps! I really like that
  • To the hero changes: Well I think this needs a bit time to feel the impact of the hero adjustments! 😉

For the full page visit Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29 Changelog, Statement & Download.

Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29 is live:

Here is a Screenshot of the Warcraft 3 TFT menu with the Patch
Warcraft 3 Menu Patch 1.29

Here I am searching a 4on4 Random Team (RT) match. I really love Wc3 4on4 rt! xD
As you can see, the borders at the outside are black, and the player level & names are much smaller than before. (Because there is space for 24 players now).
Warcraft 3 RT 4on4 Loading Game

When you enter a game, the black blocks are gone, and the game resolution perfectly fits to your screen. My Screen resolution is 16:10 (1920×1200) and I love it. In the corners you can see that Blizzard added some game ui interface frames, because of the longer menu elements. The good thing is, that Warcraft 3 is not scaled and stretched anymore. This presents the game as if it got better graphics than before! Thumbs up! 😀 yeah
Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29 Ingame Screen Resolution

Warcraft 3 1.29 Update:

Just launch Warcraft 3 and follow these steps. Maybe you see that is the Blizzard Installer now, this makes the installation a bit different:

Step 1: Allow the Patch 1.29 for Warcraft 3.
Warcrraft 3 Blizzard Updater

Step 2: Install Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29
Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29 Update

Step 3: Finish and Lauch Warcraft 3 and enter the Battle.net
Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29 Complete
What do you think about Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29?

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6 years ago


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6 years ago

find ich schnieke