Kotg has the power to level up extremely fast, while beeing still dangerous with his entangle. The treants are perfect to creep and push. Kotg allows to creep up fast and push in the mid game.
Death Knight
The Deathknight scales up with his army heavily: His Unholy Aura is game-changing with giving 30% movement speed and 1.5 HP Reg per second to all allied units. The coil is also perfect to steal creeps, kill the enemy and heal units. This hero alone boosts up every army setup.
AM is just strong, he can creep like a mad man with his waterelementals but he has also great pushing potential. The summons scale up fast and if not dispelled do tons of damage. His mana aura is giving so much mana to himself, other heroes and units that it dramatically boosts the magic power of a player.
Out of the box the BM is the most powerful hero ever, he just slices every other hero or unit into pieces. If boosted by boots, a circlet and gloves, this hero escalates quickly and it is hard to stop him. When the Blademaster levels up he has an insane dps in a fight.
Strongest Heroes in team matches:
Special Power of this Hero
Tauren Chieftaint
In teamgames the TC is just sick, his Endurance Aura with up to 30% movement speed and 15% attack speed is speeding up every team so much. This alone is a winning factor, but on top of that comes his insane AOE stun with up to 4 seconds. The tc is a great tank as well and if you face a level 5 TC in a team game, you start getting serious problems.
Mountain King
The MK is just taking out units with his spells. If the Mountain King has mana, he will simply do one Storm Bolt and Thunder Clap after another. Both scale up extremely and are OP. For hero nukes use the bolt, for teamfights the clap is perfect with a duration of 3 seconds and a reduced attack and mvoement speed by 50%.
Warcraft 3 fights are about amror and the Paladin gives up to 4.5 armor to all units with his Devotion Aura, this is so sick. Combined with defense upgrades of all players, this will increase the sustainability of the army fast. Together with an ally the Holy Light healing spell is extremey powerful. Put a TC in front and always heal him up. This just works.
The Dreadlord can simply win teamgames alone. Level him up fast to level 5 and the Carrion Swarm does 200 damage, up to 1000 damage over all. This is just sick, get some mana items and potions, join a fight and take out 20-30 units just with the Dreadlord. Like that you will reach level 6 to spell the Infernal, which can dominate any fight.
Warcraft 3 Reforged Hero Tier List:
These are the strongest heroes in Warcraft 3 Reforged based on a hero tier list. The s-tier is always the strongest by far, followed by the a-rank, b-rank, c-rank and d-rank. On the image you can see all of the hero tier lists of Warcraft 3 Reforged: You can also add hero tier lists for WC3 on tiermaker.com.
How does the Warcraft 3 Hero XP work?
You all know that only heroes which are in range get the xp, or if none is in range the xp is globally split on the map. But there’s more than that…
If you have more than one hero in an area, where units fall, the XP is split and also reduced percentage wised based on the hero level and the unit. This is how the WC3 XP mechanics work: If you could get 100 xp, and it has to be shared on a hero level 3 and hero level 2, they will get the following xp: hero level 3: 50 (the half of 100) * 62% = 31 xp, and the hero level 2: 50 * 70% = 35xp. That means you got 31 + 35 = 66 xp from the possible 100. If you had only creeped with the level 2 hero you would get 100*70% = 70 xp. Always do the math.
How much Creep XP do you get dependent on the Hero Level?
Hero Level
XP Percentage Gain of Creeps
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Tip: If you have multiple heroes with different levels, always consider creeping the low hero alone, you can harass or creep with the other hero.
How much XP does Warcraft 3 Heroes need to Level up?
Level 1
0 XP
Level 2
200 XP
Level 3
500 XP
Level 4
900 XP
Level 5
1400 XP
Level 6
2000 XP
Level 7
2700 XP
Level 8
3500 XP
Level 9
4400 XP
Level 10
5400 XP
How much XP do you get for a Hero Kill in Warcraft 3?
Level 1
+100 XP
Level 2
+120 XP
Level 3
+160 XP
Level 4
+220 XP
Level 5
+300 XP
Level 5
+400 XP
Level 7
+500 XP
Level 8
+600 XP
Level 9
+700 XP
Level 10
+800 XP
What is each Stats Attribute good for on Heroes?
As you know every hero in Warcraft 3 Reforged has a main attribute.
But what are these for and what is each stats point good for?
WC3 Stats Attribute effects:
Strength attributes increase the hp and hp regeneration.
Agility attributes increase the armor and attack speed.
Intelligence attributes increase the maximum mana and the mana regeneration.
How much Stats does Tomes and Items give in Warcraft 3?
Attribute Bonus
+1 Strength
+25 maximum hp capacity, + 0.05 hp regeneration/second, +1 damage (if it’s the primary attribute)
+15 maximum mana capacity, +0.05 mana regeneration/second, +1 damage (if it’s the primary attribute)
By having this information, try to make the most of every single game, boost your heroes, buy circlets and get all of the tomes, if a lot of attributes get combined, heroes get insanely strong!
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Moghul Khan't-Touch-This
2 years ago
why was axe removed, he was my favorite! @ _ @
blade master
3 years ago
this website is amazing and awesome I always search up websites about video games so, I can get the statistic’s. And everything is in one website!
why was axe removed, he was my favorite! @ _ @
this website is amazing and awesome I always search up websites about video games so, I can get the statistic’s. And everything is in one website!