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Dota 1 Map Download
Here you can download Dota 6.88 Ai the official Dota Ai Map Download.
Get the latest Dota 1 Map Download here (Ai Version).
Download DotA 6.88 Ai
Dota Allstars 6.88 Ai has been created by a chinese player (and is translated to english).
Dota 6.88 Ai includes new items: Dragon Lance, Faerie Fire, Solar Crest, Octarine Core, Tome of Knowledge and Blight Stone. These items allow great new gameplay combos and tactics, try it out!
Download Dota 6.88 Ai in different languages.
What is Dota Ai?
Ai stands for “artificial intelligence” and means that bots play with you (instead of real players).
The bots are designed and programmed to act natural and behave like a real dota player.
What are Dota Ai maps for?
- You want to train/test new Dota heroes or tactics.
- You have no connection, but want to play Doto.
- You want to fill up LAN games with bots.
Dota Ai 6.88 is the proper map build on the Allstars Map Dota 6.88.
DotA Version: | DotA 6.88 Ai |
Filename: | DotA 6.88 AI English.w3x |
Language: | English, Chinese |
Release Date: | 04.07.2016 |
Map Size: | 24.1 MB |
Downloads: | 3,957,978 |
DotA 6.88 Ai Game Commands
Dota Ai allows to pick all of the bot heroes, so you have an exact choice:
-pe | Pick enemy heroes |
-pa | Pick allied heroes |
Let’s see when Dota Ai 6.89 will come!
DotA 6.88 Ai Changelog
This is the Dota 6.88 Ai Changelog:
- Some basic bugs are removed from the previous version.
- Some of the items are synchronized to Dota 6.88 (and Dota 2).
- Increased wind spirits patterns, shimmer cloak, tome of knowledge & heart.
- Item price 6.88 basic synchronization:
- Armlet (Recipe cost increased from 500 to 550)
- Bloodthorn (Critical Strike multiplier increased from 1.35 to 1.45)
- Butterfly (Agility increased from 30 to 35)
- Crimson Guard (Cooldown reduced from 50 to 46)
- Dragon Lance (Strength and Agility reduced from 15 to 14, Attack Range bonus increased from 130 to 140)
- Hurricane Pike (Attack Range bonus increased from 130 to 140, Active now grants 100 Attack Speed for the 4 attacks it provides on the target)
- Rod of Atos (Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10)
- Smoke of Deceit (Now has a 1 second cooldown on use – to prevent accidental usage)
DotA 6.88 Ai Installation
Requirements to play DotA 6.88 Ai:
- Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne Patch 1.27b ( or higher.
- Warcraft 3 Patch 1.27a and lower will not work.
DotA 6.88 Ai Installation:
- Download Dota 6.88 Ai bot version to your computer.
- Copy the file “DotA 6.88 AI English.w3x” to the correct path:
For Wc3 Patch 1.26a, 1.27a, 1.27b or older: Put it into this path: “c:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III\Maps\Download\DotA 6.88 AI English.w3x”
For Wc3 Patch 1.28a or newer put it into this path: “user/documents/wacraft-iii/maps/downloads” (view on the image).’
DotA 6.88 Ai known Errors & Bugs:
Bug: “The map file is too big. Please choose a different map.”
Problem: Only 1.27b allows maps bigger than 8mb. To play Dota 6.88 Ai in single mode you need Warcraft 3 Patch 1.26a or higher. (Single Custom Game) On LAN this wont work.
Solutions to play Dota 6.88 Ai on LAN:
- Solution 1: All players have to update to Warcraft 3 version 1.27b (Up and downgrade with the Warcraft 3 Patch version switcher).
- Solution 2: All players have to install the 1.26a game.dll LAN file. (Backup your existing dll before).
- Solution 3: All players have to install the Map File Size Limit Fixer to allow maps bigger than 8mb.
Customkeys for DotA 6.88 Ai
For Dota 6.88 Ai you need new customkeys, because of the changes like the new items.
Download Customkeys.txt:
DotA 6.88 Ai Screenshots
Dota 6.88 Ai Screenshot (Mirana shopping the new items):
Have fun playing & train vs bots! 😎
Find a complete Dota 1 item list here as well as a Dota 1 hero list.
how can i zoom out ??
which AI map do you recommend please?
So I have tried playing this map and it sucks. The AI’s level goes all the way up in no time, you wouldn’t have a chance to catch up. Also, they get to have late game items early on. It’s barely playable.
instead of just going -ap mode at the beginning of the match use -apneng. ‘ne’ sets ai experience gain and ‘ng’ sets ai gold gain to normal. This is good for beginers. Once you are confident enough that you can farm on par without the need for these codes you can just go back to -ap mode.
How to make Battle fury and where is Repression Blade???
well, it showing the map is too big. what should i do about this?? any help?
is there a possible that there will be a 6.90 ai map? looking forward for it Thank you sir
i thought this was 6.88 but was just 6.8 fuckers wasted my time
I just wonder how to roll camera a little higher.
I tried -cam and -zoom commands but none of them works.
Can you help!
try rgc
rgc suck, iccup.
rgc only host dota 2, not dota 1.
how i can get Hurricane Pike and bloodthrone?
Thank you so much for this, I’ve been really bored since I sold my gpu that I’m not able to play dota 2, but now I can enjoy the old dota 1
This AI map is utter trash. It’s practically unplayable unless you’re autistic, and I’m not even joking! Problems you’ll have with this map: [Missing Text/Information in any kind of description] Most likely not a bug. My theory is that the map itself is a chinese map, and when played with the English Warcraft III, the text were removed because there are no chinese text data in English Warcraft III. Or, whoever that created this AI map are too lazy to write them, as some AI-based dialogue and items’ description in shop selection seems to point to this. [Retarded AI Ally]… Read more »
Ok, so I’ve checked about this map, and really, whoever that created this map are really lazy with the description. This map is actually DoTA Reborn with a slight text added into it. Also, notice that this site said that the file is 20+ mb big, but when you download it it’s actually a little under 9 mb lol (previous AI maps are 20+ mb)
So I actually played this map more than I need to, and honestly, it’s not that bad anymore (AI still garbage though). Anyway, I’ve found more (actual) bugs than the missing text one: Silencer only steal Int if enemy hero dies in 600 radius or to Glaive of Wisdom Linken Sphere sometimes dropped from AI’s inventory Phantom Lancer enemy AI sometimes immunes to all debuffs like stun, silence, etc when fleeing. Windrunner’s Powershot sometimes ignore damage penalty (when this happen, sometime it deals slightly more damage than usual) Luna has visual glitch when using upgraded ultimate. Treeant Protector’s Living Armor… Read more »
Ok I’ve played this map again and I found more problems:
Warcraft will have MAJOR LAG if you use Boot of Teleportation with Morphling (only happen in WTF mode. Not sure otherwise)
Same PL problem, but this time he’s immune to damage (!!!!)
Certain hero never use certain skill (Pugna’s Decrepify, Juggernaut’s Omnislash)
I realized the AI can even control your movement. If you stand still, there are times when your hero moved.
Sylabear’s Aghanim’s Scepter effect doesn’t work.
Could anyone tell me where i could find the latest dota 1 ai??
So sad but i think 6.83d ai is official final map. At present, Nobody works on developing AI map.
Charles Vu, yeah I think 6.83d AI is the official map. Have a greate ai than 6.88
does it work on macOS High Sierra?
How to download and instal dota all stars ai
any kind for 1st beginners
I downloaded the map.. But why the dragon lance not working and I don’t see a bloodthorn item or hurricane pic
Don’t trust this site’s description. There are no Hurricane Pike or Bloodthorn because there are no recipe for that. Octarine Core’s spell vamp effect doesn’t work either ( the cooldown reduction passive did work though, but kind of buggy). You can create Dragon Lance actually (Ogre Axe + Boots of Elvenskin x2).
how do i get this to work on mac?
Why the “monkey king” is still not available?
In the 6.88 version, monkey king should have been available.. Thank you
I’m having issue that descriptions on abilities, items and so on are missing.. Is there any fix to it?
I’m on Patch 1.27b ( if ur wondering~
one of the requirements:
Warcraft 3 Patch 1.27a and lower will not work.
update your warcraft.
Which version should I update it to? 1.28?
how can i download this? pls asap.
what a dumb piece of translation
recipe is translated as “Reel”
mystic staff is Mysterious Wand
I work on the ship and after my duty I play dota to remove my stress and loneliness at home. I wish I could watch the tournament of pro gamers live someday. 🙂
How to create Ancient Janggo of Durance instead Robi Mage asks for some “Wind Spirits Patterns” and i can’t find that crap anywhere any solutions pls!?
Please make Good AI map… It was so good till 6.78 even bots were also good but after that map each and every AI map it seems like WTF am I playing.. mirana can control husker in late game mirana can controll even antimaze even spectre, Items like linkin fall on the ground automatically and there are so many bugs… i know you guyz are great to make a map of dota, but bro/sis please make pro bots 🙂
6.81 AI bot’s so stupid (esp Sniper, Naga, Batrider,…), 6.83 AI always fatal error, 6.88 AI is missing text,… 8o
so that missing tool tips was bug? every game explanations (from hero skills to items) are missing. I thought the problem was my game version. I use wc3 1.27b
btw, which ai map do you recommend?
6.78 it may be old but bots are better
can you add monkey king in warcraft 3? please
Yes we can!
This AI is great but the Bots are so retarded, when they focus on some target they’ll chase it until they die, cuz they completly ignoring other enemy players.
heyy wheres the download?
Can you update a new Dota1 AI maps? Thanks. 3) 3)
I think its very disrespectful and awful to rename everything to Chinese. Noone cares. dont rename the bots after your kindergarden friends either. Go back to the old names, recipies and bots should have names after what hero they are. And no chinese letters either. there is a whole world beyond China so dont be an idiot and on the rest of us, we do not already like you and we think your country is stupid so please, dont make things worse.
Totally agree. This is painful
Hopefully the translation will be fixed. Or you can just copy-paste the information from the older map versions or from dota 2. Just saying.
the item of hurricane pike is missing from the map
Bagus sekali
update always new AI maps official with item names pls
The problem is the name of the items is changed to something ridiculous, please change it back to the original names of the items
Earth Spirit, Kaolin is broken and doesn’t work when used by AI
How can i contribute developing AI for dota?
this is no good lmao
how play?
map was too big to open 🙁
same issue here .. why is it too big ?
how play?
You need to search it on youtube there’s so many tutorial on how to fix that problem sir. 🙂
you need to update wc3 to version 1.27b or up to 1.30
When new version will release?
why there is no hurricane pike and bloodtorn???
Kakantutin ko kayong lahat!!!
sigurado ang liit ng titi nito hahahaha
what happen can’t download failed.
What do you mean? Just try again.
Any news if AI map will have an updated version?
no open. why?
cant find the “demon edge”!
can anyone make dota in android