How to get a Warcraft 3 Tournament sponsored?

Hi guys, are you a tournament host or a player who participate in Warcraft 3 Tournaments: We can sponsor your tournament.

Get your Warcraft 3 Tournament sponsored:
Request Sponsorship opened a new Sponsorship Program:

Do you want your Warcraft 3 tournament sponsored?
We are sponsoring tournaments for up to 50$:

Option 1:
For each participant, we sponsor 0.50$ (Maximum: 100 players)

Option 2:
If you stream the tournament, for each 100 viewers we sponsor 5$. (Maximum 50$)

Requirements to get a WC3 Tournament sponsored:

  • Show our Logo with link, as a sponsor of the tournament
  • Post on your blog or facebook page that we sponsor your tournament.
  • You have a website or clan site? Link to

Request Sponsorship

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