Legends of Dota: Warcraft 3 LOD Map Downloads

Welcome to the Legends of Dota page, download Dota LoD maps below!

What is Legends of Dota?

Legends of Dota is formally known as Dota LoD, a Dota Allstars modification.
It allows you to pick all Dota spells and skills and mix them up as you like. Like this, you can create your favorite hero, by just choosing your desired skill combination.
And yes, every combination is allowed! 😉

Best Legends of Dota Map Downloads:

Dota LoD 6.87 new01/2020Dota LoD 6.87
Dota LoD 6.86 (all versions)16.08.2018Dota LoD 6.86
Dota LoD 6.85p (all versions)05.08.2018Dota LoD 6.85p
Dota LoD 6.85o519.05.2018Dota LoD 6.85o5
Dota LoD 6.85o417.05.2018Dota LoD 6.85o4
Dota LoD 6.85o102.05.2018Dota LoD 6.85o1
Dota LoD 6.85n301.02.2018Dota LoD 6.85n3
Dota LoD 6.85(all versions)2018Dota LoD 6.85
Dota LoD 6.84 (all versions)2015Dota LoD 6.84
Dota LoD 6.83 (all versions)2015Dota LoD 6.83
Dota LoD 6.82 (all versions)2014Dota LoD 6.82
Dota LoD 6.81 (all versions)
Dota LoD 6.80 (all versions)
Dota LoD 6.79 (all versions)
Dota LoD 6.78 (all versions)

Compatibility: Playable with Warcraft Patch version 1.26. Any older or newer versions are not supported yet. Map creator: DracoL1ch

Where can I play Legends of Dota?

The main gaming platform for Dota LoD is the Ranked Gaming Client (RGC).
On RGC there are even Legends of Dota Leaderboards and Leagues!

There are different other platforms where you can play Legends of Dota (Gameranger, Tunngle, Garena, etc), but we totally recommend RGC. In the RGC chat join a lod channel of your country and start your game with like-minded players! GL & HF

Legends of Dota (LOD) Ai Map Download:

Info: LoD does not support Ai maps, here you can read why.
If you want to play Dota Ai Maps choose the Dota Allstars Ai Maps instead. 😉

Legends of Dota Hotkeys:

Dota LoD Hotkeys

All Legends of Dota Commands and Game Modes:

Recommended Game Modes:
The best default Legends of Dota game mode is: “-sd3ls”
(It will auto-enter if no mode is entered).

-apAll Pick: Provides the full hero pool!
-arAll Random: Random Hero with random spells.
-sdSingle Draft: Everyone gets a random choice of 11 heroes.
-mdMirror Draft: Both teams get the same hero pool​.
-rdRandom Draft: Both teams pick in order 1-2-2-2-2-1 from 14 random heroes pool with random skillsets.

More Dota LoD Game Modes:

-boBalance off.
-d2Choice of 20 heroes for -sd/-rd/-md.
-d3Choice of 30 heroes for -sd/-rd/-md.
-d4Choice of 40 heroes for -sd/-rd/-md.
-d5Choice of 50 heroes for -sd/-rd/-md.
-s5Every player can pick 5 skills!
-s6Every player can pick 6 skills (2 ultimates).
-raRandom Abilities, the extra abilities from s5 & s6 are chosen randomly.
-fnFast Neutrals, first neutrals spawn already after drafting, then 30 seconds after, then the normal 1 minute spawn.
-ssSee Skills, allows you to see the enemy skills while drafting as well.
-ffFast finish, enables usage of the -ff command (only usable after 20 minutes).
-osOne Skill, skills can’t be picked twice on each side.
-lsLimit Skills, you cannot have more than 2 passive skills, more than 2 skills from a single hero, or more than 2 stuns.
-3ls3 Limit Skills, you cannot have more than 3 passive skills, more than 3 skills from a single hero, or more than 2 stuns.
-rcRearm Combos, allows to combine amost any spell with Rearm.

Legends of Dota Command List:

-readyuring the skill picking phase, chooses your remaining skills randomly.
-resetDuring the skill picking phase, resets all your currently chosen spells.
-r#During the skill picking phase, resets a spell from 1-6 provided with #, example: -r4 would reset your ultimate.
-random melee
-random range
During the hero pick phase, chooses a random melee or range hero from your pool.
Spellinfo or Ability Info – Displays your teams spells in the scoreboard.
-ffFast Forfeit (only possible if mode -ff is enabled).
wffDisplays which players already gave up.
-spToggle passive skill display.
System Display Damage, displays any damage you receive or deal overhead, only works in singleplayer mode.
-addtimeAdds 1 minute to the clock when picking skills, can be entered twice by every team, 4 extra minutes possible as max.

Legends of Dota Screenshot

The Big Legends of Dota Download Archive:

In the map creation progress of Legends of Dota there have been many many versions. The map developer DracoL1ch made awesome work and Dota LoD is a really great balanced Dota version with a good game experience & a lot of fun.

To have a good overview of all Legends of Dota Maps that are available, we created the list above.

In the Dota Lod Download list you can always find the latest stable Dota Lod Map Download and also every old version if you need it! We keep everything compact, on top you can find all Legends of Dota game commands. Also all Dota Lod game modes are listed for you! With the game modes you can create really funny games with your friends.

Legends of Dota (LoD) Map Downloads & Infos:

The Legends of Dota Maps (LoD Maps) are compatible with Wc3 1.26.
Find all Warcraft 3 Patches here or if you need the Warcraft 3 Version Switcher click here.

If you play Dota LoD on RGC then always check which LoD version you need in that RGC channel!