The Most Popular Dota 2 Guides To Get Better

Welcome guys, here are the best Dota 2 guide to get boost your MMR and to get better in the game!

Top Guide #1: The Dota 2 MMR Boosting Guide

To rank up, first of all, it’s essential to know the Dota 2 MMR algorithmn in and out.

In this guide you learn the following: What is really needed to improve the MMR and to reach the next level? Deep Insights on how to manage to get a better-ranked player.

Each skill rank, has a typical player behavior to compare with – look into the mirror and change what is needed to change.

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Top Guide #2: Dota 2 Map Warding Ultimate Guide

Having vision every time a team fight is about to start, or knowing where the enemy carry is farming, might help you to win the whole game. In this Dota 2 Map Warding Guide, you’ll master the art of warding and keeping an excellent vision for your mates!

In this guide you learn the following: Placing wards and sentries in Dota 2 is a challenging task. In this detailed guide, you learn how to place wards efficiently to win more matches!
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Top Guide #2: Dota 2 Map Warding Ultimate Guide

You are an experienced Dota 2 player with hundreds of games?

You feel ready to finally move on to the ultimate style of using mind games and psychology in Dota?

In this guide you learn the following: If you start making successfull mind games inside ranked matches, then you reach the ultimate Dota 2 heaven! 😀 In this guide you can identify your personal playstyle and choose the mind game methods that fit for you to trick enemies.
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